I was looking through some old photos and and found this one of me on my first trip to Bali. This photo was taken some time ago during a ceremony at springs near Bukti. Now trust me when I tell you I have no musical talent, so it is a tribute to the good nature of the gamelan players that they allowed me to play with them for even a moment. (No, those are not cheerleading pompoms.) I remember I was so green to the local culture that when one of the gamelan musicians (a rice field farmer in his day job) asked me how much my video camera cost, I made the mistake of telling him. After seeing his horrified astonishment that it cost more than he would make in a year, I never made that mistake again. (I would like to point out however, that this gentleman owns a number of rice fields, and I'm land poor.) I generally prefer to be in the moment and not overdo taking photos, but they do bring back the time, the sound, the feel of the day. The photo of the little boys is from the same day at the ceremony. I guess these little boys are almost young

men now...