Monday, June 02, 2008

Grown up in Bali

It had been four years since I’d seen Putuh. Then, even after recently having her second baby, vestiges of girlishness remained. I’d known her a few years before that when she visited her Balinese brother and Irish sister-in-law in San Francisco for a year, helping them after their first child was born. Now I look at her face, and see small worried lines around her mouth. She is a woman now, not the girl I first met. She talks about the same thing she discussed when I last saw her, four years before. They have trouble with their mechanics shop in northern Bali because they don’t have the money to buy proper inventory for a full-service operation. I hand her the envelope and the baby clothes sent by her sister-in-law in America as she rocks her third baby, who has begun to fuss.

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