Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Scopes Monkey Trial Revisited - It's 1925 Again!

Well, here we are, more than 75 years later. Babies have been born, grown into old age and died. Yet school districts are still forcing U.S. courts to revisit the Scopes Monkey Trial. See CNN

A federal district judge in Pennsylvania ruled Tuesday that "intelligent design" is religion, not science, and that teaching it in the public school district at issue is a violation of the First Amendment. Well, alleluia! Even this Republican Judge appointed by George W. couldn't swallow such a blatant disregard of the separation of Church and State. Yet proponents of "intelligent design" swear they will not be stopped.

It's common knowlege that "intelligent design" is a movement; many school districts are warning U.S. children that 1) evolution is only a theory and not science, and 2) "intelligent design" (translation: Adam and Eve myth) is science and not religion.

The San Francisco Chronicle quotes a physics professor at Case Western as saying, "U.S. children are consistently scoring behind those of other nations" Is it any wonder?


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